Hver dag den første uka av festivalen var det kveldsopplegg på Goethe Institut, noe jeg virkelig gikk inn for å få med meg mest mulig av. Det førte også til mange seine kvelder på den elskede røde Mango Café (den ligger jo så beleielig til bare noen hundre meter unna). Tenk at jeg skulle få oppleve noe sånt i løpet oppholdet mitt her i Bangla? For øyeblikket sitter jeg på et gjesterom på Khulna KFUK og skriver dette, altså går jeg glipp av siste del.. Uansett - tusen takk til Drik og gjengen for at noe sånt kan bli arrangert i Bangladesh. De setter virkelig Bangladesh på verdenskartet i fotosammenheng.
Did you know that one of the world's largest photography festivals is going on in Dhaka, Bangladesh right now? Its name is "Chobi Mela", and it is the 5th one to be held since the start in 2000, thus the "V". The theme chosen for this year's festival is "freedom", and more than 60 people are exhibiting their work. In the festival I have had the pleasure of meeting Tom "Freedom track" Hatlestad who actually drove in his car all the way from Norway to Bangladesh while making his exhibition, I have seen a lot of interesting presentations and screenings, I have heard Morten Krogvold (yes, he was also in Dhaka) talk about his work as a photographer and also met many people with an interest in photography. - Not to mention that I have seen work by extremely talented people and gotten some inspiration. Something that may or may not be worth mentioning is that I, on the opening day, found myself standing in front of the video camera of the TV channel Channel 1.
Every day during the first week something was happening at the Goethe Institut in the evening, and I decided that this was something I would definately not miss out on. This also led to numerous late visits to the beloved and red Mango Café (it is situated only a short walk away from the Institut). Imagine that I actually would get the chance to experience something like this during my stay here in Bangla? At the moment I am sitting in a guestroom in Khulna YWCA writing this, which means that I am not able to attend the second half of the Chobi Mela.. Anyway - thank you so much, Drik and the gang, for doing something like this in Bangladesh. They really are putting Bangladesh on the world map in terms of photography.
Tom, som alltid var synlig i mengden. (Tom, that was always easy to spot.)
Café Mango er stamstedet! (Café Mango is the regular place.)
Kristin (t.h.) og jeg møtte blant annet Clare, Sajju og Ahmad. (Kristin (left side) and I met Clare, Sajju and Ahmad.)
Det var her det skjedde. (This was the place to be.)
En av mine favorittbildeserier fra Chobi Mela V, som er laga av ei ung jente som bor i en flyktningerleir for palestinere i Libanon. (One of my favourite series from the Chobi Mela V was this one, made by a young girl living in a refugee camp for Palestinians in Lebanon.)
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