En film om klimautfordringer og Bangladesh.
Filmen ligger på LNU (Landsrådet for Norges barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner) sine nettsider sammen med to andre, som et ledd i kampanjen deres kalt "Klimatoget går!". Hovedpoenget her er vel egentlig at land som Norge, "land i nord", står for 25 ganger mer utslipp av karbondioksid enn land som Bangladesh, "land i sør". I filmen snakker blant annet Juliate (jeg kjente henne som Juliet) og Lina (årets goCY Intern i Bangladesh) om hva vi kan gjøre for å bremse de klimatiske konsekvensene av hvordan vi lever i dag.
Jeg må forresten legge til at musikkvalget til denne (tross alt ganske seriøse) filmen var.. interessant.
This film is on the webpages of LNU (National council for Norwegian children and youth organisations) along with two more, as a part of their campaign "Klimatoget går!" (="The climate train is leaving!"). The main point in this film is basically that countries like Norway emit 25 times more carbondioxide than countries like Bangladesh. In the film Juliate (I knew her as Juliet) and Lina (goCY Intern this year) talk about what we can do to limit the climatic consequenses of how we live our lives today.
By the way, I need to add my opinion on the choice of music in this film. It was quite.. interesting.
Hurra/hjelp/jippi/herregud. (Stryk det som ikke passer.)
I got to go to Bangla(desh)! Banglabangla. I like saying Bangla better. The word is so nice, it forms easily in one's mouth. I'm aware of the fact that I am not leaving for quite a while, I still haven't had any of my exams, but I'm just a bit eager. I, an insignificant young girl am going to be a goCY Intern. To a person not familiar with YMCA or YWCA, or just to any person, this might sound a bit odd. But really, it's just about using your sense of logic. If you pronounce "goCY" in English, what does it sound like? Yes, precisely: "Go see why". With no further explanations, I will show you my job-description (so to speak). This is copied from the participant agreement between myself and KFUK-KFUM Global.
YWCA of Bangladesh
Job-description: The participants will be based in the National office and the actual work be based on their particular skills and interests.
- To learn language (Bengali) and culture of the host country.
- To assist for media communication, developing and managing web pages.
- To visit churches and religious groups and sharing of experiences.
- To work with the women, youth and children to learn about the reality of live in Bangladesh.
- Work with the youth and cultural groups to strengthen their involvement as well to improve the knowledge of cultural diversity.
- To develop materials, writing reports & work closely with the respective staff for any publication of YWCA of Bangladesh.
- Visit branches and communities to learn about the situation of women in Bangladesh.
- To visit Government and Non-Government organisation to increase the knowledge of about them working on different national and international issues.
- To provide support for forming ten sing groups and facilitate the organizing of ten sing activities.
- Networking with the organization, particularly with the organization working with youth and children.
Before I can put all these wonderful assignements into action, there are numerous things that need to be sorted out. I need a doctor to tell me if I'm fit for this task, probably at least one injection, I need to apply for a visa, and attend several seminars or courses before I can start the twentyfour-hour-long journey to Banglades. I was in Bangladesh in the autumn 2007, so I should know what I can expect when it comes to preparations. Only then I spent 8 days there, this time it will be 8 months..